
Showing posts from March 16, 2013

पुस्तक प्रकाशन (BOOK WRITTEN BY ASHOK)

अशोक थापाद्वारा प्रकाशित पहिलो पुस्तक नेपाली समालोचनाको  नाट्यसमीक्षा र अन्य समालोचना ' नामक पुस्तकको विवरण म.पु.पु. नं : २६७६६    नाम : नाट्यसमीक्षा र अन्य समालोचना    लेखक : अशोक थापा    प्रकाशक न्यू हिरा बुक्द इन्टरप्राइजेज    प्रकाशकको ठेगाना कीर्तिपुर विधा : समालोचनाहरू    छापाखाना -  काठमाडौँ छापाखानाको ठेगाना - कुलेश्वर मूल्य रु.१८० पृष्ठ १५२ मिति : २०६५कार्तिक    साइज : १/८डिमाई ISBN ९७८-९९९४६-४९-२८-० कैफियत शुभांशसा: देवीप्रसाद सुवेदी।


Ashok Thapa (Librarian, Teacher & Researcher) Mr. Ashok Thapa M.A and MLibSc from Tribhuwan University of Kirtipur, Nepal. He has been working as a lecturer at TU. And doing library automation work at Kathamandu. He is doing PhD research under the topic of “Absurdist Theme on Contemporary Nepalese Dramas” since last three years. He has worked in various Committees and organizations i.e. President Sahitya Kunja, LISSA, National Coordinator Second Library Day, and Secretary Sardool Sahitya Partisthan... To his credit more than 35 research articles on Nepali literature and library and Information science have been published in national and international journals. He has edited more than half a dozen journals. He has published a book entitled NATYA SMIKSHA RA ANYA SAMALOCHANA (A collection of critiques on Nepalese drama and theatre). In previous last 10 years he had worked Madan Puraskar Library (2005 to 2009) and since Oct 1, 2010 to Sept. 1, 2011 at Nepal Academy of