The U.S. Embassy Kathmandu has been organizing the Road Show Program since last four years. This year it has scheduled at Dhankuta, Udaypur and Janakpur districts from 31 January to February 10, 2014. It aims to disseminate The U.S. Embassy Kathmandu related information to general people of Nepal. Specially, it focused on different components such as Book Exhibition, Education in U.S., Talk with diplomat, English language, Science presentation, Trivia, Documentary show and climate change or disaster management. The targeted group of this program was school, college, Public libraries and civil society. 'Changing World' was main theme of this program. Nepal Library Association (NLA) got opportunities to assist the program as volunteer.  The Brief report about the Road Show-2014 has placed here. 
An advanced team of association marched Dhankuta from Kathmandu in 26 Jan and reached at the station in 27 where as the formal inauguration was scheduled in 31st Jan 2014. In 28th Jan site officer for Dhankuta Mrs. Shanta Khadka joined us from the side of U.S. Embassy Kathmandu and jointly made plan for inauguration as well as whole program. Khadka and our team visited several schools and their principals, government officers including Chief District Officer (CDO). In the same way, we have conducted a meeting with Ishori P. Adhikari head master of Tribeni Higher Secondary, which was the host school for the Road Show and we talked about the objectives of program and its scenario. Similarly, we met media persons of the district they were very much excited to know about the program. Likewise, we met Suresh Ghimire a LGF member of the Embassy who was a local citizen of this region as well. Due to his social contact among the local people, we can easily extend our message about the program and we felt free to work with him. Shanta informed us in 30th of January that a team from U.S. embassy Kathmandu including Robert Domain and Prakash Thapa are coming to Dhankuta and join us. But unfortunately, the flight was delayed for some hours where the expert of tent manager was also in the same team. Firstly, we did not have any idea to set up the tent and other materials but there was no option and time as well. So, association team used their common sense and set the tent by using their indigenous knowledge and technique. When the Embassy team arrived, we briefed about our set up then they approved everything so we were happy to complete our task in time. Prakash Thapa briefed about the next day program and the team was very tired due to the whole day work and returned back to hotel.

Some snaps of Dhankuta Road Show
31st  January
Association team was very much excited and they reached at the station early in 6 AM and displayed books, Poster and flexes in respective install. We need to finalize the set up before 9 AM because inauguration time was fixed for 10 AM. District Education Officer Krishna Pokharel and information officer of the U.S. Embassy Robert Domain jointly inaugurates the first day Road Show by cutting ribbon in the premises of Tribeni Higher secondary school at 31st of January 2014. 'This program may be a millstone event for this region' Pokharel added. Similarly, Robert gave a philosophical speech on 'Changing World' and Meena Kaini translated the speech in Nepali. Prakash Thapa director of American Library highlighted about program objectives. After the completion of the formal inauguration session main exhibition opened for all. Students from several schools were already in queue with full of excitement as well as with curiosity. They observed the main exhibition first and after that, they visited different installs according to their interest. Parallely film and documentary was handled by Sudhir Mahat, Education in US by Isu Lama, English language by Bishwa R Gautam, Trivia by Meena, Talk with diplomat by Robert and Prakash, Story-telling by Shanta Khadka and Games were conducted by Dipendra KC in different rooms and places. At that time volunteers of library association were fully engaged to interact with the visitors. In the same day, Robert gave a science presentation to the students of Mathlo Gokunde higher secondary school, which was 1 km far from the main venue. The exhibition was continued up to 5 PM. As a whole the first day program was very much successful.

1st Feb
In the second day of Road Show, almost all of the activities were similar. Book exhibition was continuing in the premises of Tribeni Higher Secondary school and documentary show and trivia was also running inside the schoolrooms. However, the talk with diplomat has conducted in the Tulsimehar Higher Secondary School which was around 1 km far from the Tribeni HSS. In the same school Bishwa gave his presentation on English language. At that day, a team including Robert, Prakash, Shanta met Jhamak Kumari Ghimire (winner of Madan Puraskar award) who has written several literary books by the help of her legs. Another important work of that day was done by Mr. Umesh Adhikari who was a local artist of Dhankuta. He gave brief instructions about how to sketch picture to the children.  
2nd Feb
Similarly, in the final day of Road Show at Dhankuta almost all of the programs were repeated. But, it was quite special day because Chief District Officer (CDO) Mr. Rameshor Dangal confirmed as a chief guest for closing session. A formal program was started where Ishori P Adhikari (Head Master) was chairperson and Rameshowr Dangal (CDO) was chief guest. Dangal expressed his happiness to attain such kind of academic program. Similarly, in the end of the closing ceremony Robert Domain (information officer of The US embassy) hand over the books to more than five institutions they were Tribeni HS School, Mathlo Gokunde HS School, Gargacharya Public library, Mano Budha and Basantpur. Ashok Thapa President of  Library Association did MC. In spite of the closing ceremony is finished exhibition was still continued up to 5 PM. Meanwhile Prakash, Shanta including library association president visited the Gargacharya Public Library, the interesting fact about this library is that it was established in Gargacharya own house which was situated in the same municipality 1.5 km far from the venue. He has given his all of the property (almost 6 million rupees) to the library where more than 10 thousands books were already collected. We have donated some important books to this library. Since it was already around 5 PM in the clock as per our schedule the exhibition was overed and the volunteer packed the materials and ready to march for next destination Udaypur. According to the Medias more than 10,000 students, teachers, and parents observed this program. Local media (daily and weekly) covered the Dhankuta Road Show news with full of priority.
3rd of Feb
Early in the morning Road Show team leaved Dhankuta and marched for Udayapur which was another destination. We reached at Udaypur in 1 PM and took lunched then met Guna Raj Dhakal who was the site officer for Udaypur. Firstly, we discussed about the site selection and met campus authority. In the same time, we met Birendra K Basnet chairperson of the campus management committee, Kumar Basnet campus chief and assistant campus chief Ramesh Roka in the same place and briefed about the main objective of the road show. They were slightly busy for another function Saraswoti Puja (According to Hindu religion Saraswoti is worship as Goddess of Knowledge) in the main ground of college students have already occupied for their program that is why we choose another ground for the program. After one and half hour, Embassy team including Book Bus came to the venue then we briefed to Shanta about our site selection. Then she briefed about the venue to whole team Robert and Prakash approved the site map then association team along with Chandra fit the tent for the program. We did not feel problem because we have tent specialist now. We finally set up every things and return to hotel.                
4th of Feb
4th Feb, Similary as Dhankuta association team came in the venue early in the morning for the display the books and other logistic. The team were in full of hurry because hey need to complete the task before 9 AM because inauguration session was scheduled at 10 AM. Constitutional Assembly (CA) member of Nepal Dr. Narayan Khadka and information officer of the US Embassy Kathmandu Robert Domain jointly inaugurated the Udaypur Road Show in 4th February in the premises of Triyuga Janata Multipal campus. Khadka said 'It is a great opportunity for the people of Udayapur and I am sure it extends the horizon of knowledge of students of this district' chairperson of campus management committee Virender Kumar Basnet was a chairperson of that program. Marissa Polnerow a culture officer of the US embassy presented a paper of education and culture of USA. Similarly, some presentations were given in local station of this district Beltar, Rampur and Basaha. The topics of presentations were as similar as of Dhankuta. Sulav Bhatta, Guna Raj Dhakal and Marissa Polnerow were newcomer from Kathmandu from the side of the US embassy.   
Some clicks of Udaypur Road Show

Feb 5
Same program was continued at Triyuga Janata Multipal campus, parallel presentation was constant inside the college room, and equally some presentation has conducted at Rampur campus Basaha and Hadiya Higher secondary school. Books were donated to Rampur, Hadiya and Beltar. Maris gave presentation in Panchhawati higher secondary school Beltar. In spite of the public holiday, participation of student was excellent.
Feb 6
Same as the previous day, book exhibition and other program was continued alongside at Triyuga Janat Multipal Campus. Deependra volunteer from youth engaged schoolchildren by several unique games. After the succeed of two days program Feb 6 was the final day at Udaypur. We conducted a closing ceremony where Birendra Kumar Basnet chairperson of campus management committee chaired as the chairperson of the program, Campus chief Kumar Basnet gave his closing remarks whereas Marissa gave her closing remarks in Nepali language. Chairman Basnet expressed his gratitude to success the program in Udaypur. Program was continued up 5 PM. Then our team dismantled the tent because we need to move for Janakpur early in the morning.
Feb 7
Our another Station was Janakpur so the association team moved early in the morning by 6 AM on hired bus. We reached Janakpur 12 noon. We checked in the hotel and moved for venue. Side officer Navin Raymajhi was already in the venue and he briefed about the station that was Jankpur Chamber Commerce and industry office and its premises. We have observed the site map. After an hour, the embassy team also arrived at the venue. We decided to conduct the exhibition and some presentation in the ground and chose small hall for documentary show. In the same time, we were informed that Susan Parker Burn (Public Affair Officer, The US Embassy Kathmandu) would join us in the venue. We were more excited to meet her. Before the arrival of embassy team, Navin Raymajhi and Association team has slightly sketched the site map for program which was approved by the Embassy team. We set up the five small tents in the left side and big tent in the right site of the ground. We have made another install for presentation along with the main exhibition. Along with the Susan Parker Burns Carolion wright also observed the site where the volunteer were working. We have almost set up the tent up to 5.30 PM and return backed to hotel.    
 8th Feb
Same as Dhankuta and Udaypur FNLA team came early in the morning by 6 AM though the weather was not good. The team stated to exhibit the books and hang the posters as well as flexes in their appropriate places. Whereas the inauguration time scheduled for 11 AM. This venue was important because it was a holey and historical place of Nepal. When inauguration session was stated Former Mayar of Jankpur municipality Bajaranga Saha and Susen Parker Burn, public affair officer jointly inaugurate the program by cutting Ribbon. This program will be a remarkable event in the Janakpur city chief guest Saha highlited. Same as in the Dhankuta and Udaypur the activities were similar. In the same way Susan Parkar Burns said that she fell happy to conduct such kind of program in Janakpur.
9th Feb
12450441603_256f041fab.jpgSame as previous day book exhibition, study in US, Trivia, Games, story telling and other different presentation took place. Similarly, books were hand overed to Sankat Mochan, Kanya secondary school including JCCI.  
10th feb
Probably it was most important day of whole Road Show – 2014 because Pitter W Bodee honorable ambassador of the US Embassy Kathmandu is coming as chief guest in the closing ceremony program. We were going to close the two week long Road Show by this session. In the closing ceremony Pitter W Bodee gave his closing remarks as a chief guest and observed the exhibition, told story and gifted football to students during the programs. However, the closing ceremony was scheduled for 2 PM but book exhibition and other programs were continued up to 5 PM. After 5 PM there was a unique smile on the face of volunteer as well as in the face of embassy team because we have grand succeed the program without any trouble. Then volunteer and embassy team jointly packed up the tents and other goods and loaded in the respective vehicles and volunteer team moved for Kathmandu on regular deluxe bus at same night.     
Road Show is an important program because it knocked the door of general people directly who are living outside the Kathmandu valley. Through the books, it will play a significant and long-term impact among the people. Equally, this program will be clarifying the unusual illusion about the USA. Likewise, Road Show directly bridges the US embassy and general people in several ways. Finally, Nepal Library Association feels happy to participate in this permeable program.   
-    Try to reduce challenges of transportation which association directly faced in this Road Show.
-    During the period of Road Show it should be develop close relation between US Embassy staff and Association' volunteers.
-    During the period of Road Show volunteer as well as US embassy staff should be more proactive and need to be more social.
-    Association felt difficult to carry tent, generator and other logistic like pipe one place to another station.
-    Side officer need to know their TOR clearly.
-    Volunteers are expecting letter of appreciation in the final day of the program.


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