Mr. Ashok Thapa

Life & Education

There is a beautiful city named Pokhara in the western part of Nepal. Mr. Ashok Thapa was born there in 1979. His father Mr. Lila Bahadur Chettri was a farmer. He received his School Leaving Certificate (SLC) degree from the local school in 1995. The school's name was Kalika Secondary School. 
After completing his school education he was joined for Prithvi Narayan College (This college was chosen by most students across the country at that time) for higher education in 1996. He started a formal study of Political Science, Economics, and Nepali Literature in the humanities faculty. He liked to study literature in an informal way. He started doing so and took formal classes side by side. He passed the Proficiency Certificate Level (PCL) in 1999 then he enrolled for Bachelor's degree majoring in Sociology and Nepali literature in the same year. Thapa has passed the B.A. level in 2002. Then he went to Tribhuvan University and joined the Central Department of Nepali for Master's Degree and convocated in 2004.
He has also passed a one-year B. Ed course from the Faculty of Education in the same university in 2005. He was awarded a scholarship from the Madan Puraskar Library to study Library Science in 2006 and received an MLibSc (Master's in Library and Information Science) degree in 2008. In 2012 he was appointed as a permanent lecturer at the same university through open competition and wanted to extend his research. He has awarded a Ph.D. degree from TU  in 2016. This is the highest academic degree in his life.

He was interested in literature as described above. Then, he started writing. His first published article 'BHUPI LAI SMJHINDA"  was published in 2000 in the journal named Janamat. His literary writing received the right atmosphere when he met friends all over the country and also equally kept in touch with guys from Sikkim, Darjeeling, Assam, Meghalaya, and many more at Tribhuvan University. In the same way, he was elected a chairman of Sahitya-Kunj (a famous literary institution in the department) that provided him a big platform for doing good in literature.  He was also highly acclaimed for his literary works in the organization.

Library Sector 

He became the president of LISSA (Library & Information Science Student Association) in 2008. He also served as the president of the Nepal Library Association in 2013. In about 3 years, he introduced the library association to many places like the Netherlands, Singapore, South Africa, Indonesia, and India. He also initiated National Library Day in Nepal has been celebrating in Bhadau-15 every year. He has published around 2 dozens of articles in library science.   


Personally, he looks very simple. So he is very much liked by his friends. His other nature is to always look happy. Many admire his social disposition. Positivity always shines on his face. In fact, he is a humble and good human being.

Right now

He thinks that half of his life was spent on career development. He likes to call this time the first innings of his life. He also knows that it is a natural process for a citizen of an underdeveloped country. He aims to spend the second inning of his life in teaching, creative writing, and social service.

Writing Short Story

Thapa is working on a collection of Nepali short stories. He intends to include 12 stories in the anthology. He stated that the story contains social issues. Readers are expected to be impressed by his story.


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